Building Usage Request Form Today's Date :* MM slash DD slash YYYY Sponsoring Organization :* Event Date(s) :* MM slash DD slash YYYY Event Time(s) :* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Rehearsal Date(s) :* MM slash DD slash YYYY Rehearsal Time (If Needed) :* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Approximate Number of Persons Expected :*Date/Time Setup Will Begin :* Date/Time Clean-up Will End :* Has the ministerial team member in charge of this event been notified? :* Yes No If "Yes", which ministerial team member has been informed? :* Ministry Event- Points- of-Contact Person(s) responsible for overseeing this event and removing any items left behind after your event is concluded:P.O.C #1: Rev. P :* P.O.C #2 :* Phone :*Phone :*Email :* Email :* Hull Street (HS) Location Room RequestsRoom Request Sanctuary Large Conference Room Small Conference Room Music & Arts Center Imani Kitchen Small Kitchen Senior Center (1st fl.) Church Lounge Ransome Annex Classroom #1 Ransome Annex Classroom #2 Room Diagram Required* * Lower Auditorium * Breezeway * Banquet Hall * Admin. Lobby *Room Set-up Diagram Required2>Equipment NeedsHS Tables & Chairs:Number of Rec. Tables :Number of Round. Tables :Linen on Tables? Yes No Number of ChairsHS Audio Visual:Untitled Lectern/Podium/Sound LCD Unit TV/VCR/DVD Laptop Projector Flip Chart Microphone/Sound Iron Bridge (IB) Location Room RequestsUntitled IB Café IB Lounge IB Conf. Rm. IB Auditorium & Multi-Purpose Room IB Music & Arts Center (Mac) IB Parking Lot IB Classroom #1 IB Classroom #2 IB Classroom #3 IB Classroom #4 IB Classroom #5 IB Classroom #6 IB Classroom #7 IB Classroom #8 IB Classroom #9 Equipment NeedsIB Tables & Chairs:Number of Rec. Tables :Number of Round. Tables :Linen on Tables? Yes No Number of ChairsUntitled Lectern/Podium/Sound LCD Unit TV/VCR/DVD Laptop Projector Flip Chart Microphone/Sound A/V Questions & Details1) What will the sound be used for (i.e. will there be a lecturer, presenter, host, emcee, etc.)?2) Will there be singing, musicians, performances (dance, mime, theatrical, etc.)? Yes No If "Yes", please explain.3) If performance, please state the type (i.e. dance, mime, acting, etc.) and will they need live music, CD's, or microphones?4) If singing - will there be a choir or solo performances and how many singers will be present?5) Will there be a video presentation shown on the Information Monitors? Yes No If "Yes", please explain.6) If musicians are being used, who is/are the musician(s)? Please provide a list of instruments that the musicians plan to use.Please attach the proposed agenda for your event to this form.Max. file size: 2 MB.CAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.