Angel Care Ministry
Spearheads the Angel Tree Project- Adopt A Child project for Christmas.
Bereavement Ministry
Provides comfort to families who suffered loss/death/funeral arrangements.
Breakfast Ministry
Prepares breakfast for congregation on Sunday mornings.
Cancer Support Group
Group meets informally to encourage and support cancer survivors and family members of survivors on an as needed basis.
Counseling Ministry
Assists members and non members who are dealing with problems to include but not limited to difficult relationships, a significant loss, depression, anger, anxiety, etc. The counseling is provided to an individual, couple or family. There is no charge for counseling session and all sessions are confidential.
Elizabeth Project
Performs various projects for young girls who are having their first child. They provide information on childbirth, parenting, how to nurture a new baby and give a baby shower to the teen girl. As needed basis.
Families Anonymous
This ministry works closely with the Fresh Start Recovery Ministry. They are currently not meeting.
Fresh Start Recovery
Aids addicts and family members to heal relationships and trust one another. Meets every 2nd Tuesday at 7:00pm at Hull Street.
Marriage Enrichment
This ministry meets every 1st Sunday of every month at a different members house for fellowship and discussion of marriage from a biblical perspective. You must be married or engaged to be married.
Missionary Society
Performs various projects for young girls who are having their first child. They provide information on childbirth, parenting, how to nurture a new baby and give a baby shower to the teen girl. As needed basis.
New Members Class
Classes for New Members are held every Sunday at 9:30am and Tuesday at 7:00pm at Hull Street. Ironbridge classes are held on Sunday at 9:30am. There are a total of 4 New Members classes that must be completed before receiving the right hand of fellowship.
Photography Ministry
Several members have volunteered their time to be available to take pictures at FBC events and activities. If you have an interest in photography we would love to have you volunteer.
Pre-marital Ministry
Sessions are for anyone who plans to be married at FBC. There are at least 3 sessions. The sessions are designed to help the couple become acquainted at a deeper level and to enhance communications between them. Attention will focus on expectations for their future together and how they will resolve the inevitable conflicts that come with day to day living.
Prison Ministry
Provides ministry to the incarcerated and their family members. Contact the church office if you are interested in a ministry member contacting you.
Vacation Bible School
Classes offered for both adults and children for 1 week in July at Meadowbrook High school.
Visitation Ministry
Ministry is designed to enable our church family to become gifted, caring visitors in order to assist the Pastor in visiting persons who have lost loved ones, who are hospitalized and who are shut in.